The Plastic Surgery Centre is probably the first of its kind in this part of the country. Located in the heart of Kochi, Kerala, this outpatient cosmetic service is easily accessible. It provides the ambience and privacy required for any patient coming in for a consultation. With a safe and patient-friendly environment, minor out-patient cosmetic procedures including hair transplant surgeries, can easily be done. For the past several years, we have been providing world-class plastic surgical services with a particular focus on cosmetic surgery and hair transplant surgery.

We provide the full range of cosmetic surgical services, from minor out-patient procedures to major in-patient surgical procedures. Amongst the out-patient services, we provide the best hair loss treatments, including hair transplantation, body hair transplantation, beard hair transplant, moustache hair transplant and eyebrow hair transplant in Kochi (Cochin), Kerala, India.

The Centre provides for total privacy for all its clients. However, when some patients require a greater degree of privacy, we are even willing to shut down most of our services to ensure you are the only patient at our premises. Even extended timings are possible to ensure your privacy is maintained.
To avail of this facility, contact us for an appointment.