Is water the cause of my hair loss ?
The water you use is certainly a cause for baldness and hair loss, and therefore it needs to be taken care of even after a hair transplantation with Dr Chacko Cyriac at Cochin, Kerala, India. But it is not the main reason. It probably worsens the situation by causing the weakened hair to fall off sooner.
Many people at the initial consultation blame their problem on the bad water they used for a shower. Dr Chacko Cyriac is often faced with this issue when consulting with patients with hair loss and baldness who desire hair transplantation and other hair loss treatments. At his Cochin office in Kerala he sees several patients from various cities with this issue. The problem is primarily due to weak hair due to increased hormone sensitivity. When this weak hair is treated with poor quality water with high levels of chemicals, the hair falls off sooner. This could explain why there is more loss in one part of the head than the other parts.
What about water to be used after hair transplantation ?
Though the water quality only plays a minor role, Dr Cyriac recommends the patients take care of this issue after a hair transplant surgery as it can be a problem for the hair. Just because the hair is hormone resistant that does not mean it is resistant to chlorine and other chemicals.
Can one use the swimming pool after hair transplant surgery ?
Dr Chacko Cyriac does not recommend swimming in the swimming pool immediately after the hair transplantation surgery. Even on a long term basis, to improve the results of the hair transplantation, he would recommend wearing an appropriately sized swimming cap would ensure the hair is not exposed to the highly chlorinated water in the swimming pool.
To understand more about hair loss treatments and how to obtain the best results after hair transplantation, visit Dr Chacko Cyriac at his office in Cochin, Kerala. For appointments, contact us.
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